Helpful books

Knowledge is power.

There is a lot of information on healthy eating and I want to share a few of the best books on healthy eating that pertain to getting the most nutrient dense food.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

This book by Weston Price is a great book to get an understanding of why we deal with the health issues we have today. He traveled the world to find answers to why we have so many health problems in America compared to other places that aren’t even as developed as the US is.  He shows how we have turned away from the foods that give us the nutrition we need to have vibrant health and replaced them with foods that are nutrient deficient and harmful.  I think it is so interesting how he points out that there are cultures in the world that don’t have cancer and heart disease or diabetes like America does and when people with these health issues got the nutrients they needed the ailment went away.

Nourishing Traditions

The title of this book states “The cookbook that challenges the politically correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats” and that is so true.  This is way more than a basic cookbook as it is  more of an encyclopedia of food, nutrition, preparation methods, and food history.  Our family has changed many eating habits because of the info in this book.  A great tool for those wanting to learn the basics of preparing healthy nutrient dense meals that taste great.

The Grassfed Gourmet  cookbook

If you are cooking with grass fed pastured meats like we are you will notice that they have different characteristics than conventional fare.  This is an excellent recourse for those wanting to get the very best out of their premium quality meats.  It helps with using the right cooking methods since pastured meat needs to be prepared properly.  One of the biggest issues this book helps with  is how to get the temperature of the meat right since one of the most common mistakes with cooking pastured meat is over cooking it.

Learn how to buy local food from the producer.

Joel Salatin’s book “Holy Cows and Hog Heaven” is a great book to help anyone understand the issues with finding locally produced food.  If you have been wanting to keep your food dollars more local and purchase high quality products direct from the producer you may have noticed that it can be difficult at times.  The consumer and the producers of food have been removed from each other by big corporate business and they have done a great job of making government regulations to keep you and I from buying the food we want from the people we want.  Many folks don’t realize that we don’t have the food freedom in this country to choose how we buy our food if we want to buy from a local small farmer. Joel’s book explains the problems with clarity and even humor as well as  offers some suggestions to help each of us do our part to make changes to this broken system.

Please leave a comment or question you may have about these books or other relevant books.

Thank you and God bless!

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